How to Remove Shortcut Virus

1 minute read

Shortcut Virus:it hides the file remains unknown though the effect is quite visible. The original files are there in the drive itself, but in such a position that you can’t recognize it nor take it out (in the advanced stage).

Initially, it doesn’t harms your files but later on, it may make them corrupt or even delete all the files; depends on the type of shortcut virus.

Therefore, removing the shortcut virus is essential for getting your files back.

  • 2 easy steps
    1. the machine must run as command prompt.if you cant find it then Go to run and type “cmd” then press run.
    2. type this command: attrib -h -r -s /s /d :\*.*(See from My computer and then type it For ex, if your drive letter is “D” then the command is like: ” attrib -h -r -s /s /d D:\*.* “)
    3. press enter
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